Breastfeeding is as beneficial for moms as it is for their babies. The hormones a woman’s body releases while breastfeeding promote emotional bonding for mom and baby, and breastfeeding burns calories to help women lose weight gained during pregnancy. A woman who breastfeeds also lowers her chances of developing breast and ovarian cancer. For babies, breastfeeding reduces the risk of infections, transmits antibodies to their digestive tract and promotes brain development*. In addition to all of these benefits, breast milk is cost-free and has no additives like formula.
Learning about breastfeeding from a professional is valuable because it teaches moms techniques to improve their baby’s quality of feeding and their own comfort. Lactation Consultant Tonya Thomas, RN, IBCLC, educates moms about breastfeeding at the Women’s LifeCare Center. Thomas is a board-certified lactation specialist who provides breastfeeding support to moms by teaching breastfeeding education classes, assisting moms with feeding in the hospital, offering outpatient consultations for the community and overseeing breastfeeding support meetings each month.
While breastfeeding may not be right for everyone, Thomas recommends it to anyone who can safely do so because of the many health advantages it offers and the connection it fosters between mother and child. As the only certified lactation consultant at Aiken Regional Medical Centers, Thomas has a busy schedule but finds her work to be rewarding. “Being able to help moms meet their breastfeeding goals is really great,” she says. “Also, helping to initiate that bonding between mom and baby — that is so special.”
*Source: Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Join us! Breastfeeding for Expectant Parents
This free class helps make breastfeeding a positive and successful experience for mother and child. Both parents and support persons may attend.
Date: Tuesday, July 10
Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Location: Aiken Regional Medical Centers, 6th floor, Classroom A
Registration is required. Call 803-761-6970.