Mammograms Matter

November 09, 2018
Women Enlightened Fall 2018 Mammograms Matter

An annual scan could save your life

Mammograms are a clinician’s most powerful tool to detect breast cancer. According to, a self-exam, clinical exam, breast ultrasound or MRI is a complementary technique, but nothing is a substitute for a mammogram. In addition, recent updates to guidelines by the American Cancer Society recommend that women with a family history of breast or other cancers should talk to their physician about starting annual scans in their 30s.

“A mammogram should be part of a woman’s yearly wellness checkup starting at age 40,” says Lisa Hill, supervisor of the Breast Health and Imaging Center at Aiken Regional Medical Centers. For a woman receiving her first mammogram, the Breast Health and Imaging team will help make her as comfortable as possible. Before the exam even begins, “If the patient is nervous, I explain the entire process of the exam,” Hill says.

What to expect during a mammogram

  • The exam only takes about 20 to 30 minutes
  • You’ll undress from the waist up and remove any deodorant, powder or jewelry that might interfere with the scan
  • The technologist will mark any moles, scars and nipples before the scan
  • You’ll stand while the mammography machine applies compression and takes images from different angles
  • After the images are captured, the technologist will explain how you’ll receive the results

For more information,

visit the Women's Breast Health and Imaging Center >