If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you know the stress and uncertainty that accompanies it. But at the Cancer Care Institute of Carolina (CCIC), comprehensive treatment programs help meet your individual needs, in one place and close to home.
Director Bob Queen says if patients need chemotherapy and radiation, it can all happen under one roof. “We provide the same services as any big institution. Many people go for second opinions to bigger medical centers or teaching universities, but they come back here because they will receive the same treatment, and they’re close to home,” says Bob.
He explains there is a multidisciplinary team approach to cancer treatment. “It’s not just radiation or chemotherapy, but learning more about the patient and what they need to get through treatment. We involve pain management, nutrition, physical therapy and support groups,” he says.
The CCIC is also home to a boutique that carries a variety of post-surgical supplies. And, the community-based CanHope Foundation assists patients with vouchers for gas, transportation, funding for clothing or other miscellaneous items. “Our support group is run through this foundation, and patients find it very helpful,” says Bob.
Personalized support helps you navigate through the process.
In a patient’s journey from diagnosis to treatment and beyond, Breast Health Nurse Navigator Carolyn Cook, RN, acts as an advocate and tracks test results and treatment. She reviews family history for breast cancer or other cancers in case the patient decides to pursue genetic testing. “I love offering hope and encouragement to my patients, whether they are just starting their treatment, having surgery, or ringing the bell at the conclusion of their treatment. I am with them, supporting them all the way!” says Carolyn.
Aiken Regional Medical Centers also has a Cancer Care Information Hotline to provide education and support for patients and their families.”
Visit the Cancer Care Institute of Carolina for more information or call 803-641-5833.