I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Invasive Mammary Carcinoma in April of 2016. Being “too busy” kept me from consulting my doctor until the symptoms were undeniable and significant fear had set in. My cancer was aggressive, spreading to my lymph nodes and beyond by the time I bothered to even see my doctor. Fortunately, my physicians were exceptional, all practicing here in Aiken, and they were attentive and aggressive.
I had a bilateral mastectomy, 15 lymph nodes removed, a total hysterectomy, and rounds of chemotherapy, followed by weeks of radiation. I completed cancer treatment earlier this year and am well into my recovery. I am blessed, humbled and forever grateful to have had the unfailing love and support of my incredible family, as well as a community of friends, teams of healthcare providers, and everyday champions for those of us who have faced this awful disease.