What to Expect
Important information for incoming patients to Aurora Pavilion Behavioral Health Services is discussed below.
What Happens During the Assessment
Needs assessments last from 30 to 45 minutes. During this time, a member of our professional staff meets with you to evaluate your needs and review your treatment options with you. If treatment at our facility is not appropriate, we will refer you to a community agency or specialist who can best meet your needs.
In an emergency, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Special Instructions for Patients and Families
Patient and/or family members are informed of approved personal belongings prior to the assessment. Below is an overview.
- Clothes, schoolbooks and toiletries are the only items that can be brought to visitation/family education
- Home medications are to be checked by the admitting nurse
- Controlled medications/substances are sent home or secured in the medication room
- Special creams, ointments and inhalers are to be labeled and stored in the medication room if approved by the treating physician
- Visitors to children or adolescents must be on an approved visitation list completed by the patient at the time of admission
- Only two visitors will be allowed per visitation
- Visitors must have the patient identification number to visit. The patient will be provided with an ID number during the admission process
- Children 12 years old or younger are not allowed to visit on the units. Special visitation may be ordered by physician
Approved Items
The following items are approved:
- Three changes of clothing (washers and dryers are available)
- Basic toiletries and grooming aids
- Glasses, contacts, contact solutions, hearing aids and batteries
- Slip on socks
- One set of warm outerwear (with no strings)
- Appropriate sleep wear and under garments
- Lip balm
- School books or appropriate reading material
Items NOT Approved
The following items are NOT approved:
- Alcohol/alcohol-based products
- Outside food and drinks
- Controlled medications
- Personal electronic devices
- Cell phones
- Cameras
- Hats and sunglasses*
- Any clothing with inappropriate logos or designs including drugs, alcohol, or gang relate images or words
- Shoe laces
- Boots of any kind
- High heeled shoes
- Belts
- Compacts with mirrors
- Metal combs, hair picks, rattail combs
- Bar soap
- Nail polish and removers
- Disposable razors
- Tobacco products
- Lighters, matches and lighter fluids
- Toys, games, stuffed animals
- Blankets, pillows
- Picture frames
- Plastic bags
- Spray cans
- Sharps including picture frames, knives, nail clippers, metal nail files, tweezers, scissors, sewing needles, wire/metal bound notebooks and glass containers
- Metal cases, containers, or objects
- Hangers
- Money
- Credit cards, checkbooks
*only allowed if permitted by treating physician
Get Help for Yourself or a Loved One
Aurora Pavilion Behavioral Health Services offers a free, comprehensive community service called RESPOND. This resource is designed to assist you by providing free clinical assessments, information and referral services for psychiatric problems and substance use disorder. The RESPOND team of professionals are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 803-641-5900 or 800-273-7911.